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Tarvin Cubs are Happy Campers

29th April 2016 @ 6:06am – by Jo Richards
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Thanks to a £500.00 donation from the Co-op, we now have enough funds to buy the rest of the equipment we need for our Cub camp in 2016. With the final preparations being made for our first camp since we re-formed, the money raised will provide much needed maps, gams and cooking equipment.

cubs getting chq

Over the coming Bank Holiday weekend, the cubs will be heading over to Broomheath Plantation where they will be joined during the day by 1st Tarvin Beavers.

Scouting is going from strength to strength in Tarvin and, since the store first opened its doors, the Co-op has supported us throughout and we have held a number of events there, including Fair Trading and Recycling.
Donna Armitage, the Co-op's Community Pioneer said, "As a community retailer, our aim is to make a difference to local life. Children locally get so much benefit from being involved with the Cubs and Beavers. Their first camp is such a special occasion that we wanted to do what we could to help make it a truly memorable experience."

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