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Tarvin the Epicentre or a Nucleus?

7th July 2017 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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arriva 84 bus

I have always thought that Tarvin was the nucleus of the local area. An apt description because in a nucleus things come together and bind quite tightly just like the 82 and 84 buses.
Why is this I wonder?. Clearly if there was competition between two bus companies on these routes this would not happen. At present Arriva collects all the passengers whichever bus heads the convoy.

What I cannot understand is why CWaC doesn't have any clout over Arriva who operate on a franchise.
Now The Planning & Strategic Transport section of CWAC, when contacted by a Tarvin resident, say that they have spoken to Arriva on a number of occasions regarding both the No. 84 and the No. 82 services particularly with the fact that the services are scheduled to depart Tarvin towards Chester at similar times.

Unfortunately Arriva will not change their schedules at the current time is the reply. A pretty non customer focussed response I suggest as its unlikely to increase the number of buses just re-schedule them. What would CWAC do I wonder if the service deteriorated further to say one bus every 2 hours?

Makes one wonder when these contracts are arranged what sort of specification re timetable is agreed or is it just down to Arriva to decide on the time-tabling?

Another issue is around Key Service Centres of which Tarvin is one. The Local Plan says that "Access to a choice of transport modes (other than private motor vehicles) is a further measure of a settlement's sustainability. Settlements which have a frequent and direct public transport service to higher order centres are considered more able to accommodate growth".
So are Arriva in the driving seat ( pardon the pun) concerning how much more Tarvin can grow?

Do write to the Planning and Transport Section if you feel strongly about this and also to Arriva Buses. Unless we complain they will both think this situation is ok.
Any thoughts on what Tarvin residents should do apart from voting with their feet and getting into a car for trips into town?

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