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Tarvin Meeting Point AGM

10th March 2014 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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A New Summer Programme
It was the AGM at Tarvin Meeting Point the other evening and the formal part was soon dispensed with. The setting of the new programme took much longer but once again plenty of topics were suggested and chosen. For those of you who know members of Tarvin Meeting Point, either individually or collectively, the idea that we could run out of things to say will no doubt raise a wry smile!
On the more serious side of the programme is a study of Scotland, looking not only at its history but also its current position as it takes such a fundamental decision about its future. Reading some of the novels of the Glaswegian writer Denise Mina will add some other insights. A look at the causes of the First World War should be fascinating, though the format, choosing a country, seems to have been pre-empted partly by the BBC2 – I wonder how we will compare! Another historical evening will invite members to be an 'eye-witness' at a historical event and to try and recreate a flavour of the times from a personal point of view.
On a lighter note we will look at aspects of the colour purple, and put three special objects in a bag and explain their significance to us. A trip to Norton Priory, a dinner and a BBQ complete the programme.
Tarvin Meeting Point is always pleased to welcome new members. All you need to have is an opinion and a willingness to share it. Though no one is obliged to contribute to a meeting, uncovering facts and gaining new knowledge is part of the fun.
Do go to our directory page to find out how to get in touch, here

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