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Tarvin Primary School Parking

23rd December 2018 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Parish Council
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The Parish Council, along with Tarvin Primary School and probably a number of residents, are concerned about poor and inconsiderate parking outside the School and the surrounding area, particularly at drop off and pick-up times.

Action is being taken to help resolve this problem. The Head Teacher at the School has written to parents highlighting the issues and asking for their help in resolving the problems.
Our PCSO has been asked to patrol when she can, and Cheshire West and Chester Council Parking Enforcement have already carried out one visit but are being asked to significantly increase the monitoring in the New Year.

If you see illegal parking at drop off and pick up times please feel free to take a photograph of the vehicle including the registration plate and send it to
admin@tarvin.cheshire.sch.uk (or Clerk@tarvinparishcouncil.org.uk)
ensuring that you state the location, date, and time.
Appropriate action will then be taken – the names of the senders will be kept confidential.

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