Our recent fund raising Coffee Morning was a big success. We raised £245.00 some of which we'll be using to buy sashes and crowns for our Fete King and Queen and their Retinue. Many thanks all those who supported us on the day.
The Fete Raffle tickets are now on sale at £1.00 each, and, with a first prize of £250.00, it is well worth buying one. Look out for them in the coming weeks.
Due to parking restrictions, we have had to re-route the Fete parade. It will now process along the High Street, up Hockenhull Lane, into Crossfields, and, enter the Community Centre along Meadow Close.
No Fete would be complete without an assortment of Stalls and so far we have 20 which are all unique in their own way. If you would like to book a Stall, contact Jo at jinks1107@aol.com
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