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20th March 2019 @ 6:06am – by Lyn Barry
Back home  »  News  »  TARVIN WI FEBRUARY 2019 REPORT

Members were greeted with a warm welcome when they arrived for this month's well attended meeting. Margaret Matthews congratulated our WI Quiz team; Heather, Ann, Alison and Bridget who came in 4 points behind the Helsby winners and for taking part in this year's very tight competition.

With Spring nearly upon us members can look forward to the forthcoming planned events. They include a Soups and Puds lunch and Bring and Buy Sale at the Community Centre and in late March a lunch at the Dysart Arms. April brings a Literary Lunch at Cheshire View, A Tour of Liverpool Old Docks and A Guided Park Tour of Arley Hall. In July, a Sense and Sensibility performance in Arley Hall's walled garden sounds quite exciting.


This month's guest speaker was Peter Turner with 'Through The Eyes of the Magician'. Peter Turner, better known as "Fusion" is from Warrington and has been in the Close Up Magic business for many years. He clearly enjoys his work. He performed with such expertise. He made members react with amazement and delight when it was realised it was not possible to see how he did it, no matter how close anyone was to him when performing his Art of Magic. He was good fun, a true professional and a pleasure to watch. He had no problem attracting Liz, Sue and Val to take part in different parts of his act. An experience the participants certainly enjoyed. Maureen gave the vote of thanks, thanking him for a very impressive display. Photo: Peter Turner and Val C.

We were served Irene's homemade Barra Brith, Welsh Cakes and delicious fudge with our tea to celebrate St. David's Day. Many thanks to Irene also for her display of Welsh memorabilia.

The President closed the meeting wishing everyone a safe journey home.

The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 27th March at 7.30 pm in the Edna Rose Room at Tarvin Community Centre.

The Speaker for the evening is Judy Popley with 'Entrepreneurs Their Empires and the Rise and Fall of Great British Companies'. If you would like to join us as a visitor we would be delighted to welcome you.

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