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30th March 2014 @ 6:06am – by Irene Wilkinson
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Members attending the March meeting were treated to a talk by Karen Corcoran who told us of her journey to be 'The First Mounted Policewoman in the North West'.
Karen has been riding since the age of three and although her family never owned a horse, she worked at a riding school in her spare time. She was encouraged to apply for a cadetship at the Police Force and was accepted after a one-day assessment.
She began as a cadet with Manchester and Salford Police in May 1975, joining the regular force the following year.
Initially posted to the City Centre, she had aspirations of joining the CID division. Equal opportunities legislation however gave her the opportunity of a change of direction to join the newly-formed Greater Manchester Police Force which had created openings previously unavailable to women in the Mounted Police section. After an interview and test of her riding ability she became the First Mounted Lady policewoman in the North West of England. She had a fascinating career for over 28 years with one of the highlights being able to take part in a special equine show at Windsor in tribute to the Queen. This made up for some of the more unpleasant times she had experienced during her time with the Mounted Police Force.

Members decided to form a Luncheon Club and our first lunch will be at
The George and Dragon, Tarvin on Monday 31.03.2014.

Our next monthly meeting is on Wednesday April 30th at 7pm (Please note change of time) at Tarvn Community Centre. The speaker will be Miranda Shufflebottom and the title for our talk will be LADIES IN PIGS.
New members and /or visitors welcome, please just come along on the 30th. April at 7pm
Or if you want any further information please contact me on 01829 740868.
Irene Wilkinson
President Tarvin WI

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