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Tarvinonline Homepage- a final look

27th August 2014 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Just below the slideshow photos there is a link that will take you directly to
The Tarvin Parish Council section of the website. Click here to see what is available
Parish Council members determined the structure of their part of the website and are responsible for the content of any material contained within it.
We should stress that in the same way that the Parish Council do not influence or control the content of the Tarvinonline website the Tarvin webteam have no involvement with the Parish Council section of the website nor any capability for amending that content.
( sounds a bit like a legal disclaimer but we all feel its important to make the distinction between the 2 parts of the website)
There is a link back to Tarvinonline from the Parish Council section

Features Section

We can have up to 6 Features displayed on the Homepage. Originally this area was intended just to have Feature articles on a particular theme e.g. School Transport or Superfast Fibre Broadband. This allowed us to collect together all the articles written on each specific theme without the reader having to search through all 900 articles to find any other related information published earlier. Click here to see the Broadband Feature for example.Eventually the time would come when each theme is no longer relevant and they would disappear e.g The Village Fete.

We are now working on some "permanent" Features e.g. About and Around Tarvin to provide a simple, single entry point to all the data we have collected so far about our Community. This should help both new and established residents to find their way through all the information we hold whether they are looking for such diverse topics as a list of Health Services , Transport details or Village Walks.

Community Calendar
The last part of the Homepage is the next 3 events coming up on the Calendar. Clicking on an event will display all the information we have to date. As a minimum this will be the time and place and a simple description of the event ( unless obvious).
Clicking on more will take you to the full Calendar page. Try it.

When the Tarvin Parish Plan was developed a key finding was the need to display all Parish activities ideally in one place. This would help to minimise the number of "double bookings" of events or meetings as well as display the wealth of activities available to our residents.

All the known events are displayed for the current month but events up to 12 months ahead can be seen by scrolling through the months using the drop down menu.
In the early days we decided to keep meetings/activities that occurred regularly off the calendar and simply list them in a table accessed by a link due to the editorial workload in keeping the calendar up to date. The downside is that they remain effectively hidden so this approach is being re-considered.

We would ask all event organisers an Society/Organisation Secretaries to let us know about forthcoming events or changes to existing published events. Tarvinonline is a great way to let residents know if an event has to be cancelled at short notice as we can highlight it on the Ticker tape at the top of the Homepage. Just send an email as ever to editor@tarvinonline.org

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