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Tennis Club Winners

20th February 2014 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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On 7th February Tarvin Tennis Club held its annual AGM, dinner, and social evening, at the Vicar's Cross Golf Club.
Members were welcomed by Chairman Rob Millar and updated on the club's plans for further development. Club Treasurer Allyson Clarkson reported on the healthy state of the club's finances and men's Captain Keith Barker gave his summary of the year's playing results for all the various competitions and leagues the club enters.

President Barry Cooper then presented the cups and trophies to the winners of the Club Tournaments, played over several months of the summer season.

tennis club agm

Photo shows winners and their Trophies L-R: Keith Barker, Barbara Francis, Graham Freeman, Jane Wilson, Peter Nosworthy, Sarah Mitchell, Graham Bunting

Peter Nosworthy won the Men's Singles for the 9th year in succession and his 13th in all! A Club Record

Jane Wilson was a first time winner of the Ladies' Singles and with new partner Catherine Mason won her 3rd Ladies' Doubles title

Graham Freeman won his first Men's Doubles title with partner Keith Barker for whom it was a 13th title

Graham Bunting retained the Mixed Doubles trophy with new partner Sarah Mitchell.

Barbara Francis and Graham Bunting showed their consistency by retaining their positions as overall winners of the year's American Tournaments. The 12 strong committee and the various team captains were thanked for their efforts over the past year and the committee was re-elected en bloc.

The President then paid tribute and made presentations to retiring Men's Captain Keith Barker, who had served the club for 28 years, and to Ladies' Captain Wendy Rae for 22 years' service.

There followed a tasty and generous hot buffet provided by the golf club and a testing and thought-provoking quiz, won by Wendy's table – and not the strong table containing the club's losing finalists at the Tarvin Village Quiz three weeks previously!

"The club looks forward to another year of friendly and competitive tennis and exciting improvements to the club's playing facilities."

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