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Tier 3 – reminder of the Rules

29th December 2020 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Just a gentle reminder that we are now in tier 3 and as such we are more restricted in Tarvin as to what we can do than we have been used to for quite a long time.
The Government website has an extensive list of the "dos & dont's" which on reading covers almost every eventuality you might come up against.
Read here for all the details
As always just because you can do something do think about it before you do it.
There is a brighter tomorrow ahead that we all want to enjoy. The next couple of months will probably be difficult.
Remember there is a large percentage of the population that can have Covid 19 and show no symptoms
So stay safe and lets look forward to a much better 20121
Stay Safe Tarvin

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