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Timely Advice from Your Local Hospital

24th December 2013 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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tarporley war memorial hospital

So far we have enjoyed a very mild autumn with temperatures above average for the time of year. This week, however, we had our first ground frost, and the weather forecast, is finally starting to warn of widespread ice. While for youngsters snow and ice means an opportunity for making slides, for many of us it now means the possibility of a slip and a fall.

In reality, of course, there are many more causes of falls than slipping in snow or ice and so while this has prompted Tarporley War Memorial Hospital's to suggest how you can prevent falls this winter, you will find their following advice is as much about dangers of falling indoors and about avoiding falls outside the house.

So how can we enjoy a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year?

� Wear supportive shoes with a good grip,
particularly in bad weather conditions outdoors

� If inside wear a slipper with a non slip sole,
don't walk around the house in socks or bare feet

� If you have a walking aid, get it checked by your

� Drink plenty of water, avoiding dehydration
is one of the biggest measures we can take to prevent falls.

� Quickly clear up any spills of liquid on the floor
or get someone to help you do this

� Secure or tidy away any trailing wires or cables

� Remove any obstacles and clutter from the floor in your living space

� Beware of uneven surfaces, rugs can be a particular hazard for the elderly

� Do not put yourself at risk of falling; if something looks hazardous avoid it!

� Avoiding stretching or bending to reach anything when possible

� Stand up slowly from sitting particularly if you tend to feel dizzy when you get up quickly,
and be extra careful when turning

� Wear the correct glasses for the task you are doing

� Beware of obstacles, wet floors and people around you particularly in busy places

Tarporley War Memorial Hospital wishes to thank everyone who supported their first community carol concert which raised £2,369.

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