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Top Farm Development

2nd March 2014 @ 3:03pm – by Tarvin Parish Council
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At the Parish Council meeting on Monday, there was an opportunity to discuss the revised plans for the redevelopment of Top Farm. This is an important site in the village lying as it does in the centre of the Conservation Area.
The Parish Council, no doubt like many residents, is keen for the site to be fully utilised as it has been derelict for some years. However, the Council recognises that there are problems as well as benefit to be gained from any development on this site.
The plans that have been submitted for approval consist of 6 two-bedroomed properties. Four are in a terrace facing the High Street and will be brick built and have the same roof line as the existing property, which is to be demolished. To the rear of the site, at right angles to the terrace and parallel to existing Ridgeway properties, will be a pair of semi-detached properties. None of the properties will have garages but allocated parking will be provided within the development boundary.
After some discussion the Parish Council voted to recommend to the planners that the number of dwellings be reduced to 4 to increase the amount of parking available and to create easier access for utility vehicles.
The issue of pedestrian access through the site was discussed. The Village Design Statement proposed that there should be pedestrian access to the High Street from the Ridgeway. It was requested that the access shown on the plan via a gate on to Forge Way should be available to all and not just to the residents of the new development.
All construction work causes disruption and it was acknowledged that any construction on this site would mean vehicles using the Ridgeway, a narrow residential road which residents often use for parking. The cul-de-sac end of the street is particularly unsuitable for heavy traffic and is often used as a play area by resident's children. The Parish Council recommended that, should CW&C grant permission, that the most stringent conditions be imposed on the builders including a banning of work at any time during the weekend. They would also like to ensure that the builder takes the responsibility to repair any road/pavement damage caused during construction.
The Parish Council took note if all the associated documents sent to CW&C about the development from residents, and where planning concerns were raised, the Parish Council sought to incorporate these within their response. The result of this application is waited with interest.
Interested residents can look at the plans in detail by going to the CWaC website here click "Pl;anning" and searching for planning application 12/01215/FUL

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