Well here we are, almost at the end of another very strange and uncertain year. We’ve been locked down and let out, locked down and let out again, we’ve worked from home, studied from home, and done more online chats, meetings and gatherings than we ever thought possible. Over the pandemic, the ability to keep in touch with family friends and our community via the internet has been an essential lifeline for many of us.
Well TarvinOnLine has been going for 8 years. Over 5500 articles on, our aim has not changed: to entertain and inform Tarvin residents.
Christmas is the ideal time to say a huge THANK YOU to our intrepid and loyal band of contributors, without whom being an editor would be much harder and you, our dear readers would get rather bored
One Christmas gift we hope for ids to have more residents, businesses, clubs and societies sending in copy and images that we can publish on Tarvin Online. The more voices we have on our Virtual Community notice board, the better!
We will be taking a rest on Christmas Day so that we can eat too much and spend time with our families.
The editors at TarvinOnLine wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2022. We look forward to once again being in touch on December 27th.
TarvinOnline is powered by our active community.
Please send us your news and views.