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Views Sought on Crime Plan

8th February 2014 @ 6:06am – by Jennifer Van Deursen
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Jennifer Van Deursen (Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, PCC Office, Cheshire)

John Dwyer, Police & Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, is refreshing his Police & Crime Plan, in which he sets out his priorities for policing in Cheshire.

The Commissioner set a four year Plan upon taking up office last year, but has committed to reviewing the Plan each year to ensure it accurately reflects the views of the people of Cheshire.

"I have been elected to hold the Chief Constable to account for the delivery of policing services on behalf of the people of Cheshire", said John Dwyer. "The feedback I receive from the public is vital as it gives me a better understanding of what issues are concerning our local communities. I have already consulted over 1,000 people on the objectives contained within the Plan and I am now offering the public the opportunity to comment on the Plan itself."

As well as consulting the public, the Commissioner has taken into account the Chief Constable's views on key areas of threat and the priorities set by local councils, criminal justice partners and the Government when developing the Plan.

John added: "I want to continue making Cheshire a safer place to live and work. By listening to your views, I can ensure the Constabulary deal with issues that are close to your hearts."

To view the draft Police & Crime Plan for 2014-2016, and give your feedback, visit here

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