Events during June included a trip to Bury Market and afternoon tea on the East Lancashire Steam Railway. 35 ladies left Tarvin at 9 am and arrived at Bury Market at 10.15 am. They spent the next few hours to browsing the many stalls, with some purchasing the famous Black Pudding to enjoy when they got home. We then boarded the coach again to go to the East Lancashire Steam Railway, and while we were travelling to Ramsbottom, we had a lovely afternoon tea consisting of a glass of champagne, sandwiches and cakes, and numerous cups of tea. It was a great day out and members now want to return to just go to the market and spend some more money.
Away-days in July included another successful day out at Chester Zoo on 1st July and the Luncheon Club celebrated some glorious weather with a nice cool outdoor pre-lunch drink, before enjoying) a very pleasant lunch at The Ring O' Bells, Christleton on 20th July.
Twiddlemuffs! Tarvin W.I. Craft Group have been busy knitting Twiddlemuffs for Dementia patients for local Cheshire Hospitals. Twiddlemuffs are knitted handwarmers with all sorts of twiddly bits attached. Dementia patients who have restless fingers can find some comfort from twiddling with buttons, ribbons and beads. Members wishing to support this good cause can obtain knitting instructions from Alison Holden.
Our speaker for our meeting in Tarvin Community Centre on Wednesday 27th July was Susan Ord, Msc, MBIG (DIP), who is a professional graphologist and an expert in handwriting and forensic document analysis for her clients. Susan first talked about the way as children we are taught to write following a similar pattern. This pattern then changes to suit the individual and becomes totally unique to each person. We are all familiar with recognising handwriting belonging to a person we know. A graphologist studies the clues to character and personality. Interacting with her audience, members became quickly involved in spotting the different characteristics of the anonymous handwriting samples she displayed. To demonstrate this further, she gave us paper and asked us all to write a sentence a number of times. She randomly selected a number of the samples and analysed them and invited members to offer opinions about specific characteristics. It was a fascinating and stimulating exercise and great fun, particularly for the members whose writing was analysed. In the modern world graphology may be used in recruitment, management selection, corporate training, etc., and in forensic document analysis for assessing forgeries and poison pen issues.
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