Yesterday we put an article on- line showing the very sorry state of the barrier at the Broomheath Lane crossing of the A51.
Now I do not for one moment think that the webteam carry any weight ( clout that is) or influence with the Highways department of CWaC. Rather I put today's success down to the repeated contacts made with the Highways Dept by our Councillors Ted Lush & Hugo Deynem getting the message through that the lack of a barrier was a real safety issue and of concern to local residents who used the crossing.
Today we have a totally new barrier.
The design has been improved with a panel extending out from the hedgerow towards the road. This greatly increases the visibility of the railings to traffic coming from the Tarporley direction. Before, the driver would only see a 2 inch wide end-post of the railing. This would be a very small image to detect , especially at night. A Tarvin resident has emailed us to point out that originally there were red reflectors on the posts which car headlights would pick out.
These were lost to vandalism and evidently not replaced. Perhaps the rails visible to traffic coming along from Tarporley could be treated with some type of reflective paint to assist driving in poor lighting conditions.
I assume that the large arrow highlighting the need to move to the right and avoid the railings is only a temporary feature!.
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