How often do you read nowadays in the newspapers that "this proposed change has not been thought through"? Even when the pitfalls, inconsistencies and unforeseen consequences are highlighted you can be left feeling that no one is really listening.
Well there are thankfully some good examples where people power can change minds and hence policy. Whilst no one disputes that CwaC has to save money there are no doubt a myriad of ways that this can be achieved. In all the talk and written words on the subject I have come across no one is supportive of the proposed changes in school transport policy as they will affect Tarvin's children. Agenda Item 10 on Monday's Parish Council meeting spells out very clearly the implications for our village as the proposals stand. Click here for a copy.
I would urge you to come to the Council meeting on Monday to show your support for the Council's proposed position on this issue and send a very clear message via our Borough Councillors to CWaC that a re-think is critical for our Community.
Make your point in the open forum at 7.15 pm and ideally stay around until Agenda item 10 to hear Councillor's views..
You can of course write to your Borough Councillorsdirectly as well as feedback to CWaC as indicated in earlier articles by the Parish Council and our website back in November.
Tarvinonline is apolitical and exists to inform and where necessary argue for the best outcome for Tarvin residents.
Friday the 13th. seems a good time for the silent majority to make a noise!
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