Police are continuing to receive a number of calls regarding cold calling in the local area. This week a resident of Old Lane in Pulford reported youths knocking on doors offering to carry out work. Often the individuals involved set out to take advantage of many of the older generation's generous nature by offering them work and subsequently charging them a fortune for a poor job. Always be wary of this sort of behaviour, particularly if the individuals involved do not appear to be carrying the appropriate tools, or generally appear suspicious. Cheshire Police work closely with Trading Standards where there is evidence of such behaviour. Aim to take note of the registration number of any accompanying vehicles and ring 101 as soon as possible.
We have received several complaints of inappropriate parking outside primary schools. This problem tends to arise at the start of the school year when parents new to the school can be unsure of where to park. Local PCSOs are aware of the issues and have been tasked with trying to resolve such issues as quickly as possible and educate drivers to prevent further problems. Please ensure that your vehicle is not causing an obstruction and that pedestrians can pass by safely.
We have received calls of suspected stolen goods being sold over various Social Media pages. Whilst such websites can be handy for finding various bits and bobs sold by people in your area, please be wary about what you purchase. If the bargain sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Contact us if anything raises your concerns.
Vehicle crime has continued in the Christleton and Waverton areas this week, although the number of offences has decreased. Many of the targeted vehicles have been left unlocked on peoples driveways. Please contact the police if you see anyone apparently going up driveways without good cause and always ensure that your vehicle is secured if left unattended to avoid tempting opportunistic burglars.
Police have taken a couple of reports this week about a male acting in a suspicious manner on the park in Tattenhall. Whilst no offences have been committed and no one has been put in any danger, police would like to speak to this male in order to advise him about his behaviour and the concern that it has generated. Please ring us on 101 if you observe anyone acting suspiciously.
Inspector Keith Curbishley
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