Before you ask this is not the start of a joke about three Irishmen with a chainsaw!.
As the oak trees begin to shed their leaves the Woodland Walk Trustees/working party have summoned up the will and energy to tackle the overcrowding of oak trees at the Broomheath Road end of the Woodland walk. As many of us will remember several years ago Tarvin residents subscribed to planting oak saplings for the benefit of future generations. However like most shrub/tree planting if you space at the correct long term separations then for years the area looks empty and forlorn. The alternative of close planting leads to long term overcrowding and thinning becomes necessary eventually. This lets light in and space for the remaining trees to flourish. You can see the difference and the improvement this will make.
Of course it is necessary to close the walk whilst tree felling and branch clearing is done for the safety both of the team with the chainsaws as well as any visitors. The gates are padlocked at both ends of the walk and there are plenty of warning signs. Far better this than entering the walk and having to turn back when you reach the working area. The bridleway is a perfectly good alternative to bypass this section when needed so please be patient.
Like most dog walkers I usually leave the dogs to explore the outer regions of the woodland whilst I stay on the main path through.
However having heard about the bird hides the team had erected and received from John Daines some great photos of "happy customers" back in July at the seed holders, I ventured down the side path towards the school field. I could see why the children enjoy this facility so much even from their own hide inside the school fence.
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