Since we heard of the announcement in July last year that in 2014 the Village Fete would return we have published a number of articles to help promote this very worthwhile event, making sure that as many organisations and groups from Tarvin participate in what we all agree will be a "Good Day Out!".
We trust you have all put the date 28th June in your diary and hopefully you have bought your raffle tickets.
If for some reason this has passed you by or you are a new resident in Tarvin here are all the articles published so far with the latest being top of the list:
As new articles appear they will be added to the top of the list.
( having read an article by using the highlighted links in green use the back browser arrow to return to this summary article)
click on the article to read the story
09/05/14 Photography Competition
09/05/14 Coffee Morning Fund Raiser
10/03/14 Update
15/02/14 Latest News
15/02/14 Coffee Morning to raise funds
05/02/14 Fete King and Queen confirmed
25/01/14 Dates for the Village Fete announced
26/07/13 Tarvin Village Fete for 2014 gets the go-ahead
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