We have published many articles on this subject over the last 4 months. Due to the importance of these school transport changes this summary article has been created to bring together all the material in chronological order starting with the most recent article to help readers understand how this issue has developed.
As new articles appear they will be added to the top of the list.
( having read an article by using the highlighted links in green use the back browser arrow to return to this summary article)
03/04/14 Tarvin WebteampublishTarporley Outstanding Ofsted Report
29/03/14 Duncan Blain wrote on the impact of the school decision.
27/03/14 Tarvin Parish Councilreportedhow the School Transport Issue has angered Residents
24/03/14 Tarvin Editor on how CWaC rejects the school Transport objections.
23/01/14 Tarvin Editor School Bus Q & Asays it all
22/01/14 Tarvin webteam urge-its your last chance to lobby
23/12/13 Tarvin Parish Council decidesthat School transport consultation continue to cause concern
13/12/13 Tarvin Editoraskswhere are the school busues not going
28/11/13 Tarvin parish Councilsaysproposed changes to School Transport- Act Now
07/11/13 Tarvin Editor writes on School Transport- proposed changes
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